'Carol on her own words'
6.55 minutes, 2024 
Language: Portuguese 
Subtitles: English 
Format: Sony a7RIV & iPhone 6s/4k 

A film about Carol's art practice 
Shot in Trancoso, Bahia, Brazil

'Ella stories'
73 minutes, 2023
Language: English
Format: iPhone 6s/4k

A film about Ella, a 95 year old grandmother
Shot in London, UK
Available to watch with a private link - get in touch if interested 

Diary of a dyslexic
4.58 minutes, 2021
Language: Portuguese
Subtitles: English 
Format: iPhone 6s/4K

A documentary about a day in Carol's life, dealing with dislexia.
Shot in Trancoso, Bahia, Brazil.